Winning At All Costs Vs. Growth & Development

Firstly, development is winning. Seeing players grow, develop their skills/game, and passion for the game is a big part of winning. Undoubtedly, we all want to win games. Winning and losing is a part of development, and of course – how do we react and respond to both sides of the coin.  

We have team targets and goals for our players in training and games. These are the things we are always looking for our players to do well every time they step foot on the pitch. We believe in not sacrificing our development goals/targets to win a game in a style that doesn’t relate to our game model.

As a Growth & Development Club...we do NOT believe that only selecting the biggest, fastest, and strongest players is the right way to grow the game and develop players. We do NOT believe that enticing players/families to participate in leagues that require a significant amount travel and a massive financial expense is the correct approach to preparing players to become the best they can be. Bringing the Global game to ones local extended community, what we call a "Glo-cal" approach, is the best way, we feel, to efficiently and effectively teach and grow the game.